Jolly Phonics 2 – 4 years old (Lugano)


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Dal From 05/09/2022 al to 16/06/2023
Costo al giorno Price a day 40 CHF
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for 2 – 4 year olds (small group of min. 6 and max 8 children) with 2 adults


Jolly Phonics is a child-centred method used to teach children to read and write in English. The mix of fun actions, stories, characters and songs to associate each new sound with, makes Jolly Phonics a multi-sensory, active and engaging teaching method. Follow Inky Mouse, Snake and Bee’s adventures.


Children start with the simplest sounds and work their way up to the most complex. Children learn a new language in a sensory way: by playing, singing and moving their hands and body.

There are 42 sounds (don’t let that scare you, kids learn much faster than we do!). These are taught in a different order, not following the alphabet. The first six sounds are s, a, t, i, p, n. These six sounds form three-letter words that are simpler than any other six letters combined. For example: sit, sat, pin, pan, tip, tap and nap.


5th September 2022 – 16th June 2023

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 08.00 till 12.00

minimum 2 mornings / week

extra: late dismissal 12.30


Spazio Kosmos socializzazione, integrazione, cultura

Via Monte Boglia 5 Lugano


A child learns a foreign language faster if we are able to engage all senses. It is not only hearing that is important, but also sight, touch, and movement. All these play a key role in the development of your child’s mental faculties: memory, imagination, will etc. Many studies have shown that due to greater brain elasticity, a 3-year-old child learns the sounds of a foreign language with greater fluency and speed than a 10-year-old child. This is why we believe it is important to be exposed to English from an early age.


For more info and sign up: +41 76 236 86 90 Vanessa (Whatsapp) or